Genetic testing identifies inherited disease risk so you can work with your provider to make informed health care decisions. About 10% of all cancers are hereditary, and can be traced to an inherited mutation in one of the genes that play a role in protecting the body against cancer.
Your personal and family history should help decide whether or not genetic testing is right for you. There are a number of inherited diseases, ranging from extremely rare conditions to more prevalent illness that genetic testing can discover. If your family history indicates cancer, heart or neurological disorders, you may want to discuss genetic testing with your medical provider. Innovative Vitality offers several testing options. The menu of genetic tests include four categories of genetic disease: Hereditary Cancer, Heart Conditions, Hereditary Neurological Disorders, and Rare Conditions.
Genetic testing consists of a simple blood test, or sometimes a saliva sample, that is sent to a lab. Results will be sent to your healthcare provider, who will walk through any findings and discuss next steps with you.
There are a number of inherited diseases, ranging from the extremely rare to those that appear with higher frequency and are better understood. The criteria for determining if genetic testing would be beneficial for you or a family member depends on the type of disease that is reflected in your family medical history. Talk to your provider about whether genetic testing is right for you.
Many insurance plans will cover genetic testing. The out-of-pocket cost for patients will vary however depending on the insurance plan.